
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gate of Heaven

Gate of Heaven.
16 inches x 20 inches. Acrylic on canvas. 2010. Not for sale.

When I run I often pray – sometimes repeating a meditative phrase to myself, or simply talking to God. This painting was inspired by a 30k run during the night of 23 October. It was an unusual experience for me – the night lights shone beautifully, mesmerizing almost and I pictured running towards them. I thought to myself, this is what running towards the gates of heaven must be like. I also ‘saw’ cheerleaders along the way, spurring me on. With good friends, who run alongside, I am spurred on to live more fully, true to my faith and its message of love. Each with their own gifts, they show me what true love us – simply by the care they extend towards me in how they are: honest, simple, constant, open, kind and believing. They inspire me to run towards the glory of the day when we will all walk through those gates. On my own, I may land up running around in circles, in darkness and falling off the tracks. The gates of heaven seem far and remain shut. It is a real joy and blessing to have these spiritual friends present in my life.

An amazing (g)race indeed!

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